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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Social Media & Job Hunting

It is quite inevitable that almost everyone is on social media, including that recruiter for the job you want. So how do you express yourself and have fun on social media without killing your job prospects? Keep this in mind, once it is on the world wide web, it is out there forever.

I know that sounds dramatic and very much like a parent, but coming from an HR prospective it is sage advice. Take a moment and think before you post that photo, article, and status slamming your current employer. I do not make a habit of looking up my candidates on social networks, but many employers do.

A great tip is to change the privacy settings on your social media platforms so that only friends can see your posts. I would even suggest that if you really want to vent, make the post completely private so that only you can see it. .  Be careful of sharing anything that displays poor communication skills, making discriminatory comments related to race, gender, or religion, or lying about qualifications. These are definitely things that would turn a potential employer off. I understand that people purposely post things just for likes, followers, and fans, but that inappropriate content could be killing your job search

I don't want to seem like I am anti-social media because I am not. I just think people need to be smarter about using it. A good social media strategy can help you find the job of your dreams.  If you choose to share content publicly on social media, make sure it’s working to your advantage. Make sure your messaging is consistent on all platforms. Share content that highlights your accomplishments and qualifications in a positive way by discussing articles that are relevant to your field, offering tips to your followers, or creating a blog. These uses of social media will get you recognized for being poised, professional, and polished.

Perception is reality. Make sure you are perceived in a professional light in person and online to get your dream job!

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