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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Management Hierarchy

Today I will be answering a reader's question. The reader asked: Why is separation/segregation of management, supervision, and employees promoted in the workplace?"

While there is no easy answer to this questions, I'll provide a few viewpoints to consider when thinking about hierarchical structures. I will also offer a few tips on managing these relationships to help you succeed in your career.

The main reason companies have hierarchies and organizational charts is to provide clarity. Org charts help employees identify who the should turn to should they have questions, comments, or concerns. Basically you will always know whom to escalate any situation.

Also, it is my experience that management likes to keep a clear boundary with employees as not to violate any policies or laws. Things can get really hairy when supervisors and managers get too friendly with their employees. Confidentiality can be broken or harmless actions can be misinterpreted. It is much easier for managers to keep a clear separation from their staff.

Additionally, if a manager becomes to close to their employee they may find it hard to coach, discipline, provide feedback, or even terminate. We are human and emotions are natural. So to avoid conflicts of interest, some managers think it best to keep their relationships with their staff strictly business.

As an employee here are a few tips to help manage these relationships:
  1. Build trust - keep your word, meet deadlines, follow through
  2. Manage up - know how to speak the language of management and leverage the relationship to help support your goals and the goals of the company
  3. Set your own boundaries - Stay professional at all times, getting too casual could send the wrong message to management
Good luck and keep the questions coming. If you are interested in more in depth career development, please contact for more information at

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